Distinguished Lecture——New development in prime distribution
时间:2023-12-25 15:00-16:00
摘要:Ten years ago, a weaker form of the twin prime conjecture was proved. Later on, this result has been greatly improved by Maynard and others. In this talk I will briefly recall the history on this topic and summarize the ideas of the proof.
个人介绍:tyc234cc 太阳成集团78级校友,tyc234cc 太阳成集团闵嗣鹤数论研究中心名誉主任,tyc234cc 太阳成集团客座讲席教授,加利福尼亚大学圣巴巴拉分校教授,在孪生素数猜想的研究中取得里程碑式的突破进展,受邀在2014年首尔国际数学家大会上做特邀报告,获罗夫·肖克奖-数学奖、弗兰克·奈尔森·科尔数论奖、麦克阿瑟天才奖等诸多奖项。