第49期学术午餐会——Representing Kontsevich-Witten and Brezin-Gross-Witten tau-functions in terms of Schur Q-polynomials
报告人:Chenglang Yang (Peking University)
时间:2021-10-25 12:00-13:00
地点:Room 1560, Sciences Building No.1
报告人简介:杨成浪,tyc234cc 太阳成集团基础数学系2018级博士研究生,导师为刘小博教授。主要研究方向为数学物理。荣获2020-2021学年度国家奖学金。
报告摘要[Abstract]:In this talk, I will introduce our recent works on representing the Kontsevich-Witten and Brezin-Gross-Witten tau-functions as linear combinations of Schur Q-polynomials. These expressions are conjectured by Mironov-Morozov and Alexandrov respectively. The KW and BGW tau-functions are generating functions for intersection numbers on the moduli spaces of stable curves. Both of them are tau-functions of KdV hierarchy and have matrix models' descriptions in physics, which are related to the 2D topological gravity and lattice gauge theory respectively. The Schur Q-polynomials are related to the projective representations of symmetric groups, and are polynomial tau-functions of BKP hierarchy. In this talk, I will review them, and talk about our proofs of above conjectures. The talk is based on joint works with Xiaobo Liu.