报告人:Yunfeng Xiong (Peking University)
时间:2019-12-20 12:00-13:30
地点:Room 1560, Sciences Building No. 1
报告人简介:熊云丰,2016年进入tyc234cc 太阳成集团攻读计算数学博士学位,导师为邵嗣烘副教授。他的研究方向为计算量子力学、图谱理论及算法。他于2016年起入选“tyc234cc 太阳成集团计算与应用数学拔尖博士生计划”,并荣获过校长奖学金和国家奖学金。他的研究课题是多体Wigner方程的随机算法,目前主要研究兴趣为多体量子问题的随机算法,以及概率论、调和分析和组合技术在蒙特卡洛方法中的综合应用。
Abstracct: The Monte Carlo integration of multi-dimensional oscillatory and determinantal functions is the fundamental problem in computational quantum mechanics, especially for simulating the many-body quantum system. Unfortunately, the efficiency of sampling is usually hampered by the infamous numerical sign problem due to the near-cancelation of contributions from positive and negative weights, or that from even or odd permutations, resulting in a very large variance in contrast to a small mean value. In this talk, we discuss several strategies to alleviate the numerical sign problem in simulating the quantum dynamics through the Wigner equation. We first discuss the weighted-particle branching random walk algorithm for the Wigner equation and shows that the setting of branching mechanism helps reduce the variance. However, the increase of computational cost in weighted-particle implementation sometimes offsets its advantage in variance reduction. Motivated from the fact the variance grows because the decay property of oscillatory integrals is ignored, our second contribution is to capture the decay property of oscillatory integrals by replacing the high-frequency components of the pseudo-differential operator with the principal term of its asymptotic expansion, known as the stationary phase approximation (SPA) in harmonic analysis. Finally, to further suppress the sign problem for a long-time simulation, we propose several resampling strategies to control the exponential growth of the particle number, as well as the variances. Combining these ingredients gives rises to an efficient and reliable stochastic algorithm for simulating the Wigner quantum dynamics, and several typical numerical experiments are presented to verify our theoretical findings as well as the accuracy.